[Verdebinario] [VERDEBINARIO] "Debian Administrator Handbook", ora disponibile!
vilgio [BIGHAT]
villella.giovanni a gmail.com
Mer 16 Maggio 2012 07:13:04 CDT
Ottimo libro, si puņ scaricare gratis.
"Since the book is released under a set of free licenses (GPL-2+ /
CC-BY-SA 3.0), it’s already available in Debian Unstable, just apt-get
install debian-handbook.
There’s also a git repository (git clone
git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-handbook/debian-handbook.git) if you
want to contribute."
Villella Giovanni
Telefono : 09841806618
FAX : 09841801305
vilgio [BIGHAT]
BLOG : www.vilgio.hacklab.info
Giovanni Villella
Email: villella.giovanni a gmail.com
I use Free Software - Io uso il software libero
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