[Verdebinario] Forum Utopie Spammatissimo (G.d.A. Hosting)

Emiliano Russo emiliano a verdebinario.org
Sab 12 Ott 2013 07:00:01 UTC

hello verdi,

se qualcuno in ascolto vede Stefano per favore gli faccia avere questo 
messaggio (gli ho mandato delle mail ma mi pare che non le legga):

Il forum di utopie sorridenti e' sommerso dallo spam. deve ripulirlo 
entro 5 giorni o il sito/forum sara' - giustamente - disabilitato.

visto che ci siete, ricordategli di obolare le sue 3 quote.

dettagli in coda a questa mail, nel messaggio originale di webfaction.


-------- Messaggio originale --------
Oggetto: [#IVD-851804]: WebFaction: copyright complaint and spam on your 
Data: Fri, 11 Oct 2013 23:29:06 +0000
Mittente: Sean F <support at webfaction>

Dear customer,

This message is concerning your 'verdebinario' hosting account with 

We've received the attached copyright complaint regarding a reference to 
Nars cosmetics that appears at 

We are obligated under the DMCA to remove the content expeditiously so 
we have disabled this URL.

If you would like to dispute this complaint then you need to send us an 
official DMCA counter notice.

Note that if you re-enable the URL without our agreement then we might 
have to disable your account.

While researching this complaint, we discovered that your forum at 
http://forum.utopiesorridenti.com/ is completely overrun by spammers.

The spam links can hurt the reputation of your shared server IP address, 
which causes problems for the other customers on your shared server.

Because of this, we need you to clean up the spam as soon as possible 
within the next five days.

Please let us know when this is done. If we do not hear back from you 
and the spam is not cleaned up within five days, we may need to disable 
your site.


Sean F.
Support Manager
WebFaction - Smarter web hosting
http://twitter.com/webfaction - http://facebook.com/webfaction

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