[Verdebinario] When Women Stopped Coding

Emiliano Russo emiliano a verdebinario.org
Ven 31 Ott 2014 13:56:56 UTC

Il 31/10/2014 14:36, Stefano De Carlo ha scritto:

>> hehehehehe, e sara' un crescendo perche' il 2015 e' il bicentenario della
>> nascita di ada lovelace ;)

> Quando la distribuzione era 100% vs 0% :D

c'e' questo articolo molto interessante che ripercorre la storia della
separazione concettuale tra "hardware" e "software"


incidentalmente da una sua interpretazione (opposta alla narrazione piu' 
diffusa) sul perche' dell'iniziale impiego delle donne nell'IT.

"The assumption that programmers naturally
enjoy tedious tasks points to programming and computing’s
gendered and human history. During World War II almost all computers
were young women with some background in mathematics.
Not only were women available for work then, they were also considered
to be better, more conscientious computers, presumably because
they were better at repetitious, clerical tasks. Programmers were former
computers because they were best suited to prepare their successors:
they thought like computers.
One could say that programming became programming and software
became software when commands shifted from commanding a
“girl” to commanding a machine."

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