[Verdebinario] Fwd: Hardware Freedom Day is on, join us and celebrate on March 15th 2014!

Irene De Franco irenedefranco a gmail.com
Mer 12 Feb 2014 09:40:12 UTC


inoltro questo invito!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ass. Cult. Verde Binario <info a verdebinario.org>
Date: 2014-02-12 10:14 GMT+01:00
Subject: Fwd: Hardware Freedom Day is on, join us and celebrate on March
15th 2014!
To: irenedefranco a gmail.com

-------- Messaggio originale --------
Oggetto: Hardware Freedom Day is on, join us and celebrate on March 15th
Data: 2014-02-11 10:17
Mittente: Pockey Lam <pockey a digitalfreedomfoundation.org>

 Dear all,

 With a bit of delay we are happy to announce the registration opening for
Hardware Freedom Day [1]. While the event was softly launched about 2 weeks
ago (and announce early this year through our Digital Freedom Foundation
[2] website) we are happy to inform you that Hardware Freedom Day will be
celebrated on March 15th this year. For its second edition we hope this is
a good opportunity to promote Open Source Hardware and reach people who
might not be aware of your existence. We also would like to encourage you
to combines topic such as some treated during Education Freedom Day [3]
(celebrated last January) where hacking open source hardware can definitely
enhance extra curriculum activities for the younger crowd, a topic which
seems to be of interest to the hackerspace mailing list [4] . Of course
learning is happening at all ages and that would probably work for older
crowd too ;-)

 So as usual just head over to our wiki [5], create your event page and
register your event [6] to appear on the map [7] with the others.

 All the best and don't hesitate to send us message on the HFD mailing list
[8] if you have any questions.

 Happy HFD!

 Digital Freedom Foundation.

 [1] http://www.hfday.org [1]
 [2] http://www.digitalfreedomfoundation.org [2]
 [3] http://www.educationfreedomday.org [3]
 [4] http://lists.hackerspaces.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss [4]
 [5] http://wiki.hfday.org/2014 [5]
 [6] http://www.hfday.org/cgi-bin/register.py [6]
 [7] http://www.hfday.org/map/ [7]
 [8] http://mail.sf-day.org/lists/listinfo/hfd-discuss [8]

[1] http://www.hfday.org
[2] http://www.digitalfreedomfoundation.org
[3] http://www.educationfreedomday.org
[4] http://lists.hackerspaces.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss
[5] http://wiki.hfday.org/2014
[6] http://www.hfday.org/cgi-bin/register.py
[7] http://www.hfday.org/map/
[8] http://mail.sf-day.org/lists/listinfo/hfd-discuss


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Associazione Culturale "Verde Binario"
Via V. Accattatis 4 - 87100 Cosenza (CS)

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