[Verdebinario] Fwd: Let's build a hackerspace in KOSOVO!

Irene De Franco irenedefranco a gmail.com
Mer 27 Maggio 2015 12:49:37 UTC

Ciao raga

inoltro questa comunicazione,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ass. Cult. Verde Binario <info a verdebinario.org>
Date: 2015-05-27 14:11 GMT+02:00
Subject: Fwd: Let's build a hackerspace in KOSOVO!
To: irenedefranco a gmail.com

-------- Messaggio originale --------
Oggetto: Let's build a hackerspace in KOSOVO!
Data: 2015-05-26 21:37
Mittente: Lulzim Gashi <lulzim.gashi92 a gmail.com>
Destinatario: info a verdebinario.org
Cc: info a prishtinahackerspace.org

Dear members of Verdebinario,

We are a group of young hacktivists from Prishtina, Kosovo - Europe’s
newest country.

During the past year we’ve been working on creating an
experimentation, coworking space - a hackerspace in Prishtina.

Struggling to find funds locally and self sustain the space, we joined
Kickstarter to get international help.

Just recently our project was 100% funded thanks to 203 backers who
trusted our initiative.

We do have 12 days left until the campaign ends, and we would like to
ask for your support to help us with our stretch goal of $20,000.00
announced in one of our updates on Kickstarter.

Please visit our campaign here:

We hope to get your support: please help us by sharing this campaign
through your channels under the #PrishtinaHackerspace hashtag and/or
donating to it.

Prishtina Hackerspace website: http://prishtinahackerspace.org [2]

and also our wiki: http://wiki.prishtinahackerspace.org/ [3]
Thank you very much in advance for your support!

Best Regards,
Lulzim Gashi

[2] http://prishtinahackerspace.org
[3] http://wiki.prishtinahackerspace.org/


- - -
Associazione Culturale "Verde Binario"
Via V. Accattatis 4 - 87100 Cosenza (CS)

web: http://www.verdebinario.org
e-mail: info a verdebinario.org
tel: 347 2107281 / 334 1866954
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